Sourcegraph April 2024 release

Claude 3 is now available

In Sourcegraph 5.3.9104, Claude 3 is now available as an LLM option for chat and autocomplete for Cody Enterprise, bringing Anthropic’s latest models - Haiku, Sonnet, and Opus - to Enterprise users. Sonnet is a twofold improvement in speed while remaining just as accurate. Meanwhile, Opus is the most intelligent model from Anthropic yet and has notable improvements in the Needle-In-A-Haystack scoring model, accurately recalling specific context from a large amount of context passed to the model. This translates to more accuracy for Cody when working with context and will enable us to increase the context window for users in the near future.

An upgrade to your Sourcegraph instance is required to use Claude 3 LLMs, as well as the latest version of our VS Code and JetBrains extensions. Cody Gateway customers can configure Claude 3 models by requesting a site-config change. For BYOK Cody customers, Claude 3 is available via AWS Bedrock with support for Haiku and Sonnet, and Opus is coming soon.

Changelog highlights

  1. Search
    Users can now view the commit history at the folder level when browsing.
  2. Search
    Sourcegraph Own has been renamed 'code ownership'. This change does not impact the feature in any way.
  3. Search
    The 'Commits' button in the repository and folder pages links to commits in the current revision instead of in the default branch.
  4. Search
    Search Jobs now supports diff, commit, and path searches. Before, only file searches were supported.
  5. Search
    Expanded support for more accurate language detection. Historically, Search relied on the filename to determine the programming language of the file, but now, it includes file contents as well.
  6. Code Monitors
    Code Monitors now properly ignore monitors associated with soft-deleted users, which previously would have led to an error on the overview page.

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