--- title: 'Sourcegraph {VERSION}: {TITLE}' author: { AUTHOR } publishDate: 2020-MM-20T10:00-07:00 tags: [blog] slug: sourcegraph-{VERSION} heroImage: https://about.sourcegraph.com/sourcegraph-mark.png published: false --- # Release blog post template Explore, navigate, and better understand all code, everywhere, faster with Sourcegraph Universal Code Search. Uber, Lyft, Yelp, and other enterprises rely on Sourcegraph to improve developer productivity and manage large-scale code changes.
[**🛠️ New Feature**](#new-feature)
One line summary of this new feature [**📝 Changelog**](#changelog)
Every detail that changed in this release [**🎖️ Thank you**](#thank-you)
Sourcegraph couldn't be what it is without the community.
**Deploy or upgrade:** [Local](https://docs.sourcegraph.com/#quickstart-guide) | [AWS](https://github.com/sourcegraph/deploy-sourcegraph-aws) | [DigitalOcean](https://marketplace.digitalocean.com/apps/sourcegraph?action=deploy&refcode=48dfb3ccb51c) | [Kubernetes cluster](https://github.com/sourcegraph/deploy-sourcegraph)

Online meetup: Sourcegraph {VERSION} - {DATE} at 10AM PDT

## New feature New feature section. Good if you have screenshots or diagrams and even better if you have a screencast. ## Changelog The [changelog for this and previous releases](https://github.com/sourcegraph/sourcegraph/blob/main/CHANGELOG.md#{VERSION}) is available on GitHub. ## Thank you Thank you to the many people who contributed to Sourcegraph since the last release! **Deploy or upgrade:** [Local](https://docs.sourcegraph.com/#quickstart-guide) | [AWS](https://github.com/sourcegraph/deploy-sourcegraph-aws) | [DigitalOcean](https://marketplace.digitalocean.com/apps/sourcegraph?action=deploy&refcode=48dfb3ccb51c) | [Kubernetes cluster](https://github.com/sourcegraph/deploy-sourcegraph) From the entire Sourcegraph team ([@sourcegraph](https://twitter.com/sourcegraph)), happy coding!