Blog Post Starter Pack


Blog Post Starter Pack
To preview this template visit /blog/starter-pack.

This template surfaces components and patterns commonly used in the Sourcegraph Blog. All of the sections below are ready for you to copy and paste into your blog post today!

To start a new blog post, create a new [slug].md file under the current year's sub directory within the /content/blogposts/ directory.


This section is called frontmatter, it provides the post's metadata.

title: Blog Post Starter Pack
description: This is a template for writing content for the Sourcegraph blog!
  - name: The author name
  - name: Second authors name (optional)
publishDate: 2013-04-19T00:00
tags: [blog]
slug: starter-pack
published: true
heroImage: /blog/thumbnail-image.jpg
socialImage: Use to set large social image i.e.
canonical: Use to override the canonical link i.e.
videoID: 'dQw4w9WgXcQ'
Your markdown content goes here
  • The title field will automatically appear at the top of your post.
  • The description field will appear on the published list of posts at /blog.
  • The authors field is for any author of the blog. The url field is optional but recommended. * The indentations on this field are important to keep matching the example. Blog posts support multiple authors using YAML syntax. Add another author using - name.
  • The publishDate field must be in the exact format above. Don't worry about the time, just change the date.
  • The tags field should be left as blog until we incorporate filtering posts via tags.
  • Determine a unique URL for your post using the slug. For example, slug: my-blog-post will set the URL to /blog/my-blog-post.
  • A post with published: true will appear in the list of published posts at /blog. To unpublish a post, set published: false.
  • To set the thumbnails for this post, link to an image file using socialImage and heroImage. By default, blog posts use the Sourcegraph OG image. Using these properties in the frontmatter overrides the default. *socialImage determines the image appearing on shareable links
  • heroImage determines the cover image appearing on /blog
  • The canonical field is optional and only required to override the canonical link. Important for cross-posting blogs from personal blogs or published news sites. By default, set to
  • The videoID field is an optional YouTube video ID and will take priority even if the socialImage is present. This will generate an inline video preview card when sharing on social media. This is supported for all types of posts; blog, podcast, and release posts.


The Sourcegraph Blog is implemented with Next.js with MDX support. One strength of this implementation is the ability to incorporate our custom components in Markdown. The following components are available for blog posts:

  1. Alert
  2. Badge
  3. Blockquote
  4. Figure
  5. TableWrapper
  6. Video
  7. YouTube
  8. HubSpotForm

Use these components to bring your blog post to life. Here are a few examples:


Sometimes a piece of information needs to stick out. You can use the Alert component to call out these important points!

Hey, this is important to know!

You can change the color of the Alert by setting its type property to one of the following:

primary, secondary, success, danger, warning, info, light, ordark

This Alert is blue!

Or, you may want to include a link within your Alert:

Check out Sourcegraph Search.


Use the Badge component to call out specific topics or versions of content.

Default badge

Change the color of the Badge by setting its color property to one of the above options.

<Badge text="lemon" size="small" color="blurple" />

Round the edges for a "pill badge" effect, add circle={true} property for the markdown.

<Badge text="NEW!" size="small" color="violet" circle={true} />

To add a link to your badge, pass the badge a link as seen below:

<Badge text="Search code" color="cerise" link="" size="small" />

To use a larger badge, give the component a size="large" property.

<Badge text="BETA" color="vermillion" size="large" />


Include a Blockquote to highlight a key quote. Optionally, you can also provide context above the quote with a headline.

Search your code. All of it.

Onboard to a new codebase, find answers faster, and identify security risks with universal code search.



Images help tell your story. Add them to your blog posts with the Figure component. If you would like to include a description, use the caption property. This will automatically be styled, so there is no need to include a separate figcaption description below an image.

Sourcegraph thumbnail
The Sourcegraph logo


Tables are a straightforward way to present and compare data. When preparing a table, please include the TableWrapper component to ensure that the table adapts to different screen sizes. To support your preference, our blog accepts tables written in both Markdown and HTML.

This table is written in Markdown:

IdSpeciesSepal Length (cm)Sepal Width (cm)Petal Length (cm)Petal Width (cm)
1Iris Setosa5.
2Iris Setosa4.

This is the same table, but written in HTML:

ID Name Sepal Length (cm)
1 Iris Setosa 5.1 3.5 1.4 0.2
2 Iris Setosa 4.9 3.0 1.4 0.2


You can easily embed YouTube videos using the YouTube component. The two required properties are title and id.

A title should be descriptive for your YouTube video and is used for accessibility and the caption. It is also hidden by default. To optionally display the title below the video as a caption, add the showTitle property.

The id value is found at the end of the URL for any YouTube video.

Accelerate developer onboarding with Sourcegraph


The required properties for the Video component are source, loop, and title.

Since the component supports both .mp4 and .webm file formats, you'll need to upload the two file formats of the video to our Google Cloud assets bucket under an appropriate sub directory. We recommend both files to have the same filename. Then, add the file path starting after /sourcegraph-assets/ from the Public URL of these files to the source property under mp4 and webm respectively, without the file extensions.

You can choose to repeat a video by including the loop property, optionally auto play the video by including the autoPlay property, or optionally display a caption under the video by passing a filled in caption property.

This example is based on both the mp4 and webm file formats living at the following URLs with the same filenames:

An example of code search with Sourcegraph, caption underneath video to further describe (can be the same or different from the title)


Use the HubSpotForm component to drop a custom HubSpot form into your post. In most cases, the masterFormName and chiliPiper props are the only properties that need to be updated. Once added to your post, the HubSpot form will render in its place. All the options for this component are:

  • formId - an optional form ID if the form doesn't fall under one of our master forms
  • masterFormName - an optional master form name; contactMulti, contactEmail, gatedMulti, or gatedEmail for general contact forms and gated forms that have multi fields or an email field
  • onFormSubmitted - an optional callback function for triggering an action after a form is submitted
  • inlineMessage - an optional message to display after a form is submitted. We have a generic fallback if none is provided.
  • chiliPiper - an optional boolean (true/false) to enable Chili Piper. This is false by default.


You can add syntax highlighting to any code you write! The Blog uses Prism for code formatting. Specify the language at the front of the code block.


export const BlogPost<BlogPostProps> = ({title, text}) = {


Add links with an anchor tag as you usually would:

Instead of linking images using Markdown, please use the Figure component. This will allow our images to be more accessible to screen readers. To add a link to an image, provide a caption and link property to the Figure component.

Sourcegraph thumbnail
Check out Sourcegraph Search!

Add a link icon for links that open in a new window by including the linkIcon={true} property to the Figure or Video component:

  alt="Sourcegraph thumbnail"
  caption="Check out Sourcegraph Search!"
Sourcegraph thumbnail
Check out Sourcegraph Search!
    webm: 'blog/shift-left/01-code-reuse',
    mp4: 'blog/shift-left/01-code-reuse'
  title="Code reuse"

About the author

We encourage our authors to include an "about the author" section to their blog posts. Use the following Markdown for consistency throughout our blog posts.

Author blurb information goes here. You can chat with [author] on Twitter @author-name or our community Discord.

TrySourcegraph CTA

Note: A footer that includes the "Try Sourcegraph" CTA is automatically included at the end of each blog post so there is no need to include it manually.

Need support?

If you have any questions, concerns, or requests, please reach out to the Content Platform Team in #content-platform!

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