Sourcegraph 3.29 release

Sourcegraph 3.29 is now available! For this release, we introduced search results ranking and added support for bulk actions with Batch Changes.

Search results ranking

We're making search results more relevant, starting with better prioritization of repos vs. code in your search results. Search results and suggestions are now ranked by descending star count on and customer instances (for repos with stars), making it easier to find specific repos. Start searching on to experience the new ranking.

New visual design for the Sourcegraph UI

We are proud to bring you an entirely new visual design for the Sourcegraph UI. The new visual design was developed to help users find references, troubleshoot errors, gain insight, make changes on a massive scale, and read code. Check out our recent blog post to learn more about the new Sourcegraph UI.

refined search results design screenshot

Batch Changes

New bulk actions: retry and merge (experimental)

Last release we introduced bulk actions, allowing users to comment on hundreds of changesets in a few clicks. We've added two more bulk actions in this release: retry errored changesets and merge.

Merge is released as an experimental feature. It supports merge commit and squash merge on GitHub and GitLab, and merge commit on Bitbucket. For example, you can now filter all changesets that have passed checks and review, and merge them all in a few clicks. Read more about bulk operations.

Changelog highlights

  1. API
    The GraphQL `Site` `SettingsSubject` type now has an `allowSiteSettingsEdits` field to allow clients to determine whether the instance uses the `GLOBAL_SETTINGS_FILE` environment variable.
  2. Batch Changes
    A new bulk operation to retry many changesets at once has been added to Batch Changes.
  3. API
    Added featured Sourcegraph extensions query to the GraphQL API, as well as a section in the extension registry to display featured extensions.
  4. Search
    The search page now has a `create insight` button to create search-based insights based on your search query.
  5. Search
    Added support for Terraform syntax highlighting.
  6. Batch Changes
    A new bulk operation to merge many changesets at once has been added to Batch Changes.
  7. Batch Changes
    SSH public keys generated to access code hosts with batch changes now include a comment indicating they originated from Sourcegraph.
  8. Search
    The copy query button is now permanently enabled and `experimentalFeatures.copyQueryButton` setting has been deprecated.
  9. Search
    Search streaming is now permanently enabled and `experimentalFeatures.searchStreaming` setting has been deprecated.
  10. Admin
    Sourcegraph will now refuse to start if there are unfinished [out-of-band-migrations]( that are deprecated in the current version. See the [upgrade documentation]( for changes to the upgrade process.
  11. Search
    Stricter validation of structural search queries. The `type:` parameter is not supported for structural searches and returns an appropriate alert.
  12. Batch Changes
    Batch changeset specs that are not attached to changesets will no longer prematurely expire before the batch specs that they are associated with.
  13. Repositories
    Correctly handle field aliases in the query (like `r:` versus `repo:`) when used with `contains` predicates.
  14. Search
    The undocumented `index` filter was removed from search type-ahead suggestions.
  15. Admin
    Code host connection tokens aren't used for creating changesets anymore when the user is site admin and no credential has been specified.

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